Team Biography

If Artemis can be described in any way, it is a team that is rooted in love, trust and fierce ultimate. Artemis has recently gone through a huge growth spurt, not only in our number of players, but also in the competitive nature in which we play. Four years ago, Artemis won one game during the entire spring season. While we were known for our slack jaw dance competitions, our ultimate skills still had a ways to go. Over the past three years, Artemis has worked hard to prove that we are more than just a fun team to be around. Clearly this work has paid off, considering this year we earned a third strength bid for our region and are headed to Nationals. While we still hold tightly to our roots of fun and slack jaw dance competitions, we are headed to Nationals ready to show the world how far we’ve come. We love each other. We trust each other. And we are really good at ultimate.
Portland, OR
College Championship Appearances
Best Finish
T9 - 2019