Team Biography

The Wild Roses are Cornell University’s premier womxn’s ultimate team. Founded in 1980, the Roses program has grown to support a competitive B team, the Thorny Roses, which began in 2004. As a member of the Metro East Region, the Wild Roses have strived to travel to more tournaments outside of the Northeast and continue to challenge our region. This year marks the second year in a row the Wild Roses have qualified for Nationals. Roses alumni have been on a variety of nationally competitive club teams; last year, Roses competed with Xist, Jughandle and Scandal at Club Nationals. A Wild Rose is committed, spirited, values personal and team growth, and is an integral part of the close-knit Roses family.
Ithaca, NY
Western NY
Metro East
Year Founded
College Championship Appearances
1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2014, 2018
Best Finish
James Greeno, Christine Geogakakos